Utf Project



USE THE FORCE! (UTF!) is a project funded by the Erasmus+ programme. It has a duration of 12 months: it started in January 2022 and will end in January 2023. The aim of the project is to create a collaborative Serious Game, based on the Star Wars universe, that European youth workers can use as a tool to educate young Europeans in systemic thinking, helping them to deal with everyday problems in a holistic way and giving them resilience skills to deal with pandemic and post-pandemic situations. The game is under development: 18 people are already working on its realisation!


The project is promoted by three European organisations: ARES SOCIALE (Italy, lead partner), RESET (Cyprus, partner) and FO-AARHUS (Denmark, partner). Each partner created a local working group, consisting of 4 youth workers and 2 local young people, to participate in the development of the game, test and optimise it. After a first Technical Partner Meeting (TPM) in Italy (July 2022), the three organisations defined the characteristics of the game and the pre-ALPHA is already in the development phase.

why this call

The development team (composed of members of the three local groups) needs the help of external experts who can contribute to the development of the BETA version of the game (project output). The external experts will have to read the pre-alpha version of the game manual, collaborate in the development of the game, validate it scientifically, enrich it and give their opinion on its effectiveness in educational terms.

we are looking for 3 external experts

Who are willing to join the development team! We are looking for:

  • no. 1 experienced Youth Worker, to help us understand if the game can work as a tool to reach young people and involve them in an educational and personal growth process;
  • no. 1 pedagogist expert in educational games, or a game designer, to help us understand if the game can work as an educational tool, capable of involving young people in a process of personal growth and empowerment
  • n.1 psychologist/counselor, to help us make the game an effective educational tool, suitable for managing the dynamics of accompaniment and support, to be used for the empowerment of young people at risk of social exclusion, or with relational, psychological, and other difficulties.

The call will be open from 23 to 30 september 2020

Anyone interested can send the CV and a short motivational letter to ka2usetheforce@gmail.com, specifying in the subject line: UTF! – call for external experts. The most suitable candidates will be contacted by 5 October. The selected experts who agree to collaborate are required to participate in the project activities, at the agreed time and in the agreed manner, including project meetings (online and face-to-face). Their commitment will be remunerated.

For any further information, please write to ka2usetheforce@gmail.com

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